Proposal Approved!
As you can see from the text below my photo, I am a part-time grad student at the University of Alberta in the Teacher-Librarianship by Distance Learning program (TLDL). My full-time gig is as a Teacher-Librarian at a small, independent K-12 school just outside of Vancouver, BC, Canada.
I am enrolled in a course this semester which requires independent exploration of at least six Web 2.0 tools. My learning is to be documented through this blog. The design of my exploration was crafted in the form of a proposal which I submitted earlier this week. The feedback I received last night from my professor was very positive. My proposal is approved!
I intended to explore the following tools in this order:
1. Diigo
2. Flikr and Picassa
3. Video/Screen casting
4. Good Reads vs. Shelfari
5. Digital Storytelling
6. Google Apps
However, this week I was experimenting with the screencasting app, Jing, so the order of tool exploration may shuffle as this blog evolves. For a detailed look at my proposal, this link will take you to the document in the publc file of my Dropbox account.
Next post: Introducing Diigo